Library Kendriya Vidyalaya Goalpara

Under the Ministry of Education, Government of India

SOF Exam Schedule-2023 & List of Books for Primary Classes

SOF registration has started. They have released the schedule of examinations. All examinations will be conducted by the Vidyalaya during school hours. 

You may check the details of an examination.

Class-wise important links for books :





SOF registration has started. They have released the schedule of examinations. All examinations will be conducted by the Vidyalaya during school hours. 

You may check the details of an examination.

Class-wise important links for books :




Study Material for Class 11 & 12-CS & IP


This website is launched by the library KV Goalpara for students of Computer Science, Computer Applications, and Artificial intelligence. Here students can get all the PYQ-Previous year question papers, SQP-Sample question papers, and MQP-Model question papers related to the subject computer. 

Link of the website : Compute with shrikant - CWS

Students can directly browse the study material through the following links:

1. CS XII Syllabus 2023-24 
2. IP-XII Syllabus 2023-24 
3. CS XI Syllabus 2023-24
4. IP XI Syllabus 2023-24
5. Computer for class X Syllabus 2023-24
6. Computer for class IX Syllabus 2023-24

Holiday Homework Summer Vacation 2023-24

 Class Wise Holiday Homework 

In Kendriya Vidyalaya Goalpara, Assam Summer Vacation starts from 08.05.2023(Monday) to 16.06.2023(Friday). Find below class-wise holiday homework assigned by the subject teachers. Click on the desired class link and get the homework 

Class I

Class II

Class III

Class IV

Class V

Class VI

Class VII

Class VIII

Class IX

Class X

Class XII

Dr. B.R. Ambedkar


1.   Bhimrao Ambedkar took birth to a Dalit family on 14th April 1891 to Ramji Maloji Sakpal and Bhimabai.  He was from a small Mhow village in Madhya Pradesh. He was a sincere student during his school days.  Though he was an excellent student, he faced discrimination at every stage of his life.  He completed his higher education at Bombay University, Columbia University, USA, and the London School of Economics.

2.   Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar is fondly remembered as Babasaheb because he worked for the Untouchables' or Dalits’ welfare.  He is called the father of the Indian Constitution since he drafted the Indian Constitution in India’s national language for the first time.
3.   Since his parents were Dalits, he was not given equal opportunities.  During his growing years, he encountered many challenges and social discrimination.  Teachers and other students treated Bhimrao Ambedkar with inferiority.  Yet, he was not discouraged.  He was exceptional in his studies.  He enrolled himself at Bombay University.  He further pursued his Ph.D. in economics and political science from Columbia University, USA.  After returning from the United States, he led the committee to draft the constitution of India.  He held the post of the first law minister after the independence of India.
4.   Whenever we think of our Indian Constitution, we remember our B. R. Ambedkar. Thus, he is popularly known as the father of the Indian Constitution.  However, his fellow countryman fondly called him Babasaheb because he was like a father figure to them.  He fought for the fundamental rights of the lower castes and established their upliftment. He promoted education and struggled to seek equality for the Untouchables to enter temples. He also advocated eradicating gender inequality. He was conferred with Bharat Ratna in 1990 for his contributions. Before his death, he began following Buddhism.
5.   When Bhimrao Ambedkar was born to a poor Dalit father Ramji Maloji Sakpal and a mother Bhimabai in a small Mhow village of Madhya Pradesh, nobody knew that he would grow up to be a great leader.  Every year, his birth date, 14th April 1891, is celebrated as Ambedkar Jayanti in India.  Though he hailed from a socially backward class and faced discrimination at every stage of his life, it never stopped him from becoming one of the greatest scholars of all time.  Moreover, his childhood was a series of struggles to fight prejudice for being Untouchables or Dalits.  His teachers and the other upper-caste students would not allow Ambedkar to sit near them.  He was not allowed to touch the earthen pot to drink water.  Yet, he was not discouraged and continued to excel in academics.  After attaining his degree from the Elphinstone College, Bombay, he obtained his postgraduate degree from the London School of Economics.  He further continued his doctorate in political science and economics from the University of Columbia, USA.
He was a social activist, economist, reformer, and politician.  He held the post of the first law minister of our Independent India.  He was recognized as one of the greatest scholars and was invited to lead the committee to draft the Indian constitution.  He wanted to bring about dynamic social reforms in India.  He lent his voice to the suppressed and backward community.  He was determined to eradicate the caste system, promote education, and uplift the Untouchables.  He was the founder of the Independent Labour Party and the Scheduled Caste Federation.  He also contributed to the  Finance Commission of India and the Reserve Bank of India.  In 1956, he became a Buddhist follower.  6th December is mourned as his death anniversary.  In 1990, he was conferred with Bharat Ratna for his contribution to India.


Library Kendriya Vidyalaya Goalpara is celebrating 26th November every year. 

Constitution Day, also known as Samvidhan Divas or National Law Day, is celebrated in India on November 26 every year.

Why is the Constitution Day celebrated?
On November 26, 1949, the Constituent Assembly of India formally adopted the Constitution of India. It came into force on January 26, 1950. Constitution Day aims to bring awareness about the importance of the Constitution and Dr. B R Ambedkar.
Who started the Constitution Day?
Prime Minister Narendra Modi marked November 26 as the Constitution Day of India in 2015.

What is the Constitution of India?
The Constitution is a set of written principles and precedents of the Government of India. It frames fundamental political principles, procedures, rights, directive principles, restrictions and duties of the government and the citizens of the country. The Constitution of India declares the country a sovereign, secular, socialist and democratic republic. It assures its citizens equality, liberty and justice.
Who wrote the Constitution of India?
B R Ambedkar, chairman of the drafting committee, is considered to be the chief architect of the Constitution of India. He is also called the Father of the Indian Constitution. The Constitution of India was drafted by the members of the Constituent Assembly.
What is the preamble to the Constitution of India?
Preamble is a brief statement which records the aims and aspirations of the people of India. The preamble to the Constitution of India reads:
“We, the people of India, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic, republic, and to secure to all its citizens:
Justice, social, economic and political; liberty of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship; equality of status and of opportunity, and to promote among them all — fraternity assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation;
In our Constituent Assembly this twenty-sixth day of November, 1949, do hereby adopt, enact and give to ourselves this constitution.”

How did the Constitution of India come into being?
From 1947 to 1950, India continued to use the legislation implemented when it was a dominion of Britain. In the meantime, the Constituent Assembly drafted the Constitution of India, which would replace the Government of India Act, 1935, as the country's fundamental governing document. The Constitution was drawn from a number of sources, while India's needs and conditions were given paramount importance. B R Ambedkar studied the Constitutions of over 60 countries before drafting the Constitution of India.
A brief timeline: 
On December 6, 1949 the Constitution Assembly was formed and its first meeting was held on December 9. Rajendra Prasad was appointed its President and H C Mukherjee its vice-chairman. On August 29, 1947, the drafting committee appointed Ambedkar as its chairman and six other members — Munshi N Gopalaswami Ayyangar, Khaitan, Mitter, Muhammed Sadulla, Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer. The members of the Constituent Assembly signed two hand-written copies of the document (one each in Hindi and English) on January 24, 1950. On November 26, 1949, the Constitution of India was adopted by the Assembly. On January 26, 1950, the Constitution was enforced.


Ministry of Law & Justice, Govt. of India has now published the constitution of India in 21 languages. You can visit the following link to read : 

How the original Constitution is preserved? A video by CSIR-NIScPR is given below.

SOF IGKO(International General Knowledge Olympiad) Result : 2022-23

SOF IGKO(International General Knowledge Olympiad) Result: 2022-23 has been released. Students can check your result :