Under the Ministry of Education, Government of India

Showing posts with label Read India Celebration - 2021 (International). Show all posts
Showing posts with label Read India Celebration - 2021 (International). Show all posts

Read India Celebration - 2021 (International)


Read India Celebration (RIC) to celebrate Readers, Knowers , Gyani’s, Vidyavan and Leaders in School (standard3rd-12th) 

Read India Celebration (RIC) in association with Republic Media Network has instituted an event for the schools (3rd to 12th grade) to engage students in a transformative nonacademic reading, problem-solving and leadership experience during 2021. Students may participate in Read India Celebration 2021 in three simple steps: 

 Register first at https://readindia.info/cms/student-register 

 Read—Read a book or research on a topic 

 Submit a small task 

The last date for student registration is August 31st, 2021, and the last date for student submission is Sep15th, 2021

The details are available on the website- https://readindia.info

You are requested to encourage students to participate in the aforesaid competition.

*    Link of the CBSE Circular - Click here to read 

*    Link of Read India Celebrations - Click here to visit

Participate in Read India Celebration 2021(Indernational)

In 3 simple steps:

  2. Read – Read a book or research on a topic (refer to the proposed list of 25 themes / topics below; students are free to choose any book / topic of their choice)
  3. Submit / Upload below 2 files i.e. a & b to RIC website from student dashboard (Upload Files Tab after you Login in to RIC: 

a. Doc file: A 2 page summary (PDF or MS Word doc)

– Section#1 / Page1: Summarize the message & learnings in the book / Independent views on the research topic / theme (Minimum 3 Pros & Cons + conclusion)  in your own words (*Either book or research not both)

– Section#2 / Page2: Describe and propose a solution to any problem of your choice from “Upload Files tab in students dashboard”

b. Video file: Make a 1 to 2 minutes video about the message & learning from the book / research topic starting with a self-introduction

* Submit both doc & video file at the same time i.e. select 2 files and save by 15Sep2021 from students dashboard (Upload Files Section)

*For students in India, Hindi & English language submissions are allowed.

Note: Students of all nationalities from around the world can participate. International submissions only in English language.

Timelines for RIC 2021:

  1. Last date for student registrations – Aug 31st, 2021
  2. Last date for student submissions – Sep 15th, 2021
  3. Round #2 screening begins for 100 qualifiers (could move subject to volume of participants) – Sep / Oct, 2021
  4. Leadership coaching sessions for round #2 qualifiers – Oct / Nov, 2021
  5. Grand Finale for 4 finalists in each category – Dec 2021

Powered by Read India Celebrations : All the content has been taken from the official website of the RIC 2021for educational purpose.